ОѴƦԼχƝƊ comes from the plate on our FJ. It is meant to describe the type of build we’ve done on our FJ, and to describe what we do with it – overlanding. With any vanity plate, you’re left at the mercy of your own creativity and whatever is available. In my mind’s eye, the X kinda looked like VA.
But what do I know about aesthetics? I can’t even be trusted to take a photo that isn’t blurry. Either way, it gave us a short, unique domain name for the web site, and that is always nice.
Sorry I asked. Now, what is overlanding?
The definition I’ve decided on is: vehicle-based self-reliant adventure travel.
Wow, you really like hyphenated words. But what does what you said even mean?
You drive around and live out of your vehicle. From food to tools, you carry whatever you might need and resupply along the way. You stop to smell the roses. The journey is as important as the destination. It’s about getting behind the wheel and crafting your own adventure in the outdoors.
The outdoors… Well what are you doing with a website, Nature Boy?
We just wanted somewhere to host our pictures, tell our stories about the places we’ve been or plan to go, and to offer reviews on the gear we’ve been using.
Uh, okay. But do you have any clue how you want to end this article?
After publishing at 3 am and getting a good morning’s rest, I have figured out how to end this article! I’m going to share a few links where you can learn more about overlanding. These are sites I visit frequently and have garnered tons of useful info from.
Expedition Overland – These are the guys to beat. Hands down, there is no better production quality for overland vehicles than the content this crew is putting out. They have explored various parts of the American southwest, gone as far north in Alaska as possible, and have recently returned from Chile, about halfway through South America.
Expedition Portal – ExPo is an online community of overlanders, tending toward the more experienced crowd. Lots of Q&A, excellent info, route sharing, and more. My favorite thread there is from Kenny J, who sets out with an AstroVan and a dirt bike on a solo exploration of the American west.
Overland Bound – Michael and Corey started out just telling stories like us and ended up building one of the largest and friendliest online overland communities. Their site is more our speed, with most people just getting started with overlanding. What the members there lack in experience is more than made up for in enthusiasm.